Breaking Cadence: Insights From a Modern-Day Conscientious Objector
You probably think that you would never join the military. Think again. Every year thousands of young Americans surprise family and friends, signing long, legally-binding contracts with an organization they know very little about. Many of them join to pay for college. But what happens when pride and optimism turn into regret and refusal to play a role in war? Hear perspectives about the military, the Iraq War and conscientious objection you have likely never heard before. Strong voices in the war against the war. More info on Breaking Cadence the podcast and Breaking Cadence the memoir at rosadelduca.com or https://books2read.com/breakingcadence
Breaking Cadence: Insights From a Modern-Day Conscientious Objector
Habeas Corpus
Steven Collier, a San Francisco lawyer, represented the first public conscientious objector in the Iraq War. He also went up against the federal government and won two habeas corpus proceedings for conscientious objectors. What is habeas corpus? In short, an old writ that protects soldiers and others from being "unlawfully detained." Because when the military denies CO cases, sometimes they do so out of spite or assumption.